人生決勝球--Trouble with the Curve


6.8 / 68,699人    111分鐘

導演: 勞勃羅倫茲
編劇: 藍迪布朗
演員: 克林伊斯威特 艾美亞當斯 賈斯汀 馬修利拉德 約翰古德曼


2013-06-15 01:35:16

Trouble with the Curve

While I am a huge sucker for baseball movies, trouble with the curve fails to resonate with me as it has too little substance on the sport itself and too much on often seen sappy life lessons. Trouble with the Curve goes in deep to discuss how different people deal with adversities, and how the outcome could decide the outlook and future. What Eastwood's character failed in achieving is juxtaposed by the interesting character portrayed by Timberlake's, but I'm afraid this is as far as the movie could achieve, as the general idea is too narrow and linear.