花木蘭--Mulan [1998]


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導演: 托尼班卡夫特 貝瑞庫克
編劇: Anonymous Robert D. San Souci
演員: 溫明娜 Lea Salonga 艾迪墨菲


2013-06-17 07:28:57


Those lines I love:

1 A single grain of rice can tip the scale. (我想要譯成「一根稻草也可以成為壓死駱駝的關鍵。」又或者「星星之火,可以燎原。」)

2 One man may the difference between victory and defeat.(有時候,一個人就是成敗的關鍵。)

3 Mulan Mother: I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.
Mulan Grandmother: How lucky could they be? They're dead!(如果這些祖先真的能顯靈保佑木蘭的話,他們就不會死啦!)

4 Who split her bean curb?(直譯是:誰弄碎了她的豆腐?意譯卻是:誰惹她不高興了?哈哈,很有中國特色!)

5 An apple for serenity; a pendant for balance; beads of jade for beauty. (蘋果可以使你內心平靜,玉珮可以讓你保持端莊,翡翠則襯托出你高貴美麗。-,- 翻得很渣)

6 I will die for doing what's right, (結合劇情應該譯作:為了國家,我寧可犧牲自己。)

7 No matter how the wind blows, the mountain cannot bow to it.(這麼有骨氣的一句話,一定要用古詩詞來托物言志。搜索了一下得了一句:千磨萬擊還堅勁,任爾東西南北風。)

8 The flower that blooms in the adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. (開在懸崖絕壁上的花是所有的花裡面最珍貴和最美麗的。這是皇帝emperor對Mulan的評價哦~)You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty. 不是在每一個朝代你都可以遇上這麼一個有個性的女孩。哈哈,這句好搞嘢。)

9 The greatest honour for the family is having you for a daughter.(有你這樣勇敢的女兒,才是我們家最大的榮光。這是給予木蘭最大的肯定了。TAT)