愛正好--Now Is Good


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導演: 歐帕克
編劇: 歐帕克
演員: 達科塔芬妮 傑瑞米爾文 奧莉薇威廉 凱亞絲柯黛蘭莉歐


2013-06-29 07:00:34

Some rain must fall

This gorgeous movie by Fanning should also be called"Before I die", which is the original version as a famous book. Too many Chinese parents do too many right wrongs. For all girls, parents' home is her harbor while boy friend is just like a lifeboat. Everything before I die may seem to be very tired and powerless. Love is the only thing that cares but also looks like a bond.

If I know when I die or lose. I want to be famous, famous enough for the whold world to stop what it's doing and personally come and say goodbye to me when I die. I am afraid to be forgotten. I am afraid things I thought matter and relat to me don't matter any more. All these are just like firworks, explode at a very splendid moment, then soon being forgotten.

How is it like to be a parent? When you were a baby, parents used to lie awake at night watching you breathe.They were convinced that if stopped looking, you'd forget how to do it. As your kids get older, it's a different kind of worry. It never ever goes. Parents would never ever leave you alone however worst your situation is. Or what if he lets you down? Don't worry, i'll still have you, like always.

Compared to parents and lovers, friends may seem less important sometimes. They accompany for the whole life scale. For your bestie, I just hope to be there when you need. Also, I want to be one of the first people in the world to ever hold your baby. Friends are like a tree, to keep you warm when cold and to embrace you when down.

For the one. The most and the least that we dare to lose. I want you. I want you at Nightime, sleeping together, waking up together, and breakfast. I want you to be with me in the dark. To hold me. To keep loving me. To help me when I get scared. To come right to the edge and see what's there. I like us to be WE.

Our life is a series of moments. Each one is a journey to the end. Let them go.