大家都愛查理--Charlie Bartlett


6.9 / 66,793人    97分鐘

導演: Jon Poll
編劇: 葛斯汀納許
演員: 安東葉爾欽 小勞勃道尼 琥珀戴維絲 凱特丹寧絲 Tyler Hilton


2013-07-07 03:11:21

I love you Charlie Bartlett

I enjoyed the film---it was quite offbeat and Charlie's character was pretty engaging and delightful---it was refreshing to see a rich kid that wasn't portrayed as a snobbish know-it-all, who was actually kind of sweet & eccentric (and a little manipulative when he had to be.). The thing with Charlie, I think, is that he simply wanted to be popular,and he also had some issues with his father not being around. In fact he says at one point in the film that he didn't know where he fit in anywhere, so that's why he did the things he did (however, I believe that if he was anyone but a rich white boy, there's no way in hell he would have gotten away with doing what he did---slanging drugs in the school bathroom, I mean).

 I also thought it was hilarious how he appointed himself the school's unofficial shrink (that was touching and funny at the same time).
Also, the characters came off like REAL teenagers for a change, not like Hollywood's idea of what a teenager is supposed to be--they even looked more real than the average so-called teens you see in these kind of movies. All in all, I really enjoyed it and I would recommend it.