東京物語--Tokyo Story


8.2 / 41,056人    136分鐘

導演: 小津安二郎
編劇: 野田高梧 小津安二郎
演員: 笠智眾 東山千榮子 原節子 杉村春子


2013-07-11 06:41:18

feel like writing,

life, what's that, a word so familiar, so vivid, it seems far away, as if you can't see to the end of it, it's right here somehow, you can feel its length.
life is unpredictable, it could be rough, it could be ravishing, it could be thrilling, feeling at ease, having life under control is a good thing, unfortunately, not a single man could be the master of life.
Since you can't expect anything from life, you can always do something different, let the time stay, make the living vivid, those freshing memories, let them spill from your brain cup.
carpe diem, latin term of seize the day, treasure the moments, have fun while you can, live in the moment, ten thousand years is too long, why don't we do it right now.
Every man has an ending, we shall never know when, people get killed hither and thither, we can't know what will happen tomorrow, but it's all right, actually, we don't need to know it, having this thought in mind is distracting you from enjoying what you've got right now, right there, never afraid of tomorrow, because it's none of your business. Frankly speaking, today's version of you died when the day ends, tomorrow's you is an another version of you, so be it, be today's you, at least you can feel it, it's vivid, it's real, it's living. Never get caught by duties, we live because we are mean to live, live as a human, those desires, finally they'll gone with the wind, you just can't take them with you, let us live our lives, make it your own, unique, gorgeous, spectacular, marvelous, extraordinary, super-cool, stylish but in the track of traditional!
Ride or die!