人神之間--Of Gods and Men


7.2 / 16,159人    122分鐘

導演: 札維耶˙波瓦
編劇: 札維耶˙波瓦
演員: 蘭伯特威爾森 麥可.隆斯戴爾


2013-07-18 06:17:25



33:52 字幕
Accepting our powerlessness and our extreme poverty is an invitation, an urgent appeal to create with others relationships not based on power. Recognizing my weaknesses, I accept those of others. I can bear them; make them mine in imitation of Christ. Such an attitude transforms us for our mission. Weakness in itself is not a virtue, but the expression of a fundamental reality such must constantly be refashioned by faith, hope and love. The apostle’s weakness is like Christ’s, rooted in the mystery of Easter and the strength of the spirit. It is neither passivity nor resignation. It requires a great courage and incited one to defend justice and truth and to denounce the temptation of force and power. End of article.

新的一篇,來自Carlo Carretto.
The God Who is Coming

New article. By Carlo Caretto.
The God Who is Coming
Often throughout my life I』ve wondered how God could act so strangely. Why does he stay silent so long? Why is faith so bitter?
