環太平洋--Pacific Rim


6.9 / 536,447人    131分鐘

導演: 吉勒摩戴托羅
編劇: 吉勒摩戴托羅 崔維斯畢奇漢
演員: 查理漢納 朗帕爾曼 伊卓瑞斯艾巴


2013-07-27 08:06:05

Del Toro的懷舊情懷


到底還是Del Toro導演功底不可小覷,機器人和大怪獸的混搭讓超人和殭屍雙雙黯然失色。不枉我時差還沒倒,昏天地暗就排隊買票去!

I got off the airplane Wednesday night, and by Thursday morning I was queuing outside Gaumont to see the latest installment of Guillermo Del Toro.

What a treat!

Pacific Rim lets us into a world where giant monsters (Kaiju) surface through a portal deep beneath the ocean, and lay waste to all that come to its path. The only defense the world has are robots of ginormous scale, the Jaegers.

People compare Pacific Rim to Michael Bay's Transformer franchise for both present big CGI-tastic robots. But that's where the comparison ends. Comparing PR to the Transformer movies is like comparing Jaws to Piranha 3D because both movies have carnivores fish.

The Kaiju and Jaegers in
Pacific Rim move with such heft that I was genuinely awestruck from beginning to end. Something that Mr.Bay's cartoonish creation could have never achieved.

In some interviews, Del Toro talked about how the Kaiju and Jaegers represent consumerism destroying the world inevitably and how we must unit together if we were to survive it. But I did feel like that was just for the sake of presentation to a boardroom of Hollywood execs. At the heart of Pacific Rim is Del Toro paying tribute to the mecha genre.

There are also moments in the film which are truly creepy and horrifying, achieved with ease by the maestro of horror.

If you are looking for complex plot and brilliant acting, you might want to give it a pass. But I checked my brain at the door and enjoyed Pacific Rim enormously!