

2013-07-29 04:23:16



影片最後的一段話 僅摘錄如下:

There are something very wrong with our judicial system today. People have prejudices, people have fears, people have hates. These things cloud our ability to reason. We also have compassion, love, mercy. But what makes it so difficult in the judicial system is that the people who are there to protect and serve, they get so desensitize and they lose the ability to reason. There is got to be a way to reawaken the compassion in the people who run our judicial system under the state seal of Arkansas. On the banner, it says, justice on one hand and mercy on the other. Justice is lost, is broken, my case in point. I told the truth that I am innocent, they refuse to let me go during my trial. Take an Alfred Plead today, saying I am guilty when I am innocent. But just saying I am guilty and take this time, and what did they do, they let me go. That is not justice. It is up to us as a people to change it, it starts with all of us. We got to make the decision to take each person on their merit, and not just lump everybody into something that we hate, mistrust don』t know about. These are the very principles our country is built upon, but it is so hard to practice. Hang on to that, grab it. It is ours who need it. It is what keeps us going, keeps us alive, it is what prevents things like what is going on with me, Damien, and Jessie from happening.   舉報