鹽湖城校園事件--DARK MATTER


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導演: 陳士爭
編劇: Billy Shebar
演員: 劉燁 梅莉史翠普 艾登昆恩 Sina Amedson Erick Avari


2013-08-16 05:25:04

Big satires on Chinese and American education

This story is based on a true event happened in 1991, America
The Chinese student from mainland named Lu Gang killed his dissertation director and competitive colleague.

Most people would consider this event as a simple campus gunshot event. For me, I see something different, the vast influences on people's beliefs and psychology from previous education in China. The mental set clashed when Lu Gang entered American society.

I will explain my arguments in the following points:

1. Social skills/communication in life: As in the movie, another Chinese student, Lu Gang's colleague, who speaks fluent English and even reluctant to speak mother tongue with Lu Gang, has totally enrolled in American life. He is a socialite in the academic world, he is welcomed by professors because he has followed their theories, ideas. However, Lu Gang in the opposite, is a wordless and quiet person. He hates those compliments and fake words, he prefers to focused on his field, even dismissed professors' instructions. In the movie, the professor commented him as "not a team player" which indicates his attitudes to Lu Gang. Lu Gang maybe is a great scientist, but he doesn't fit into the social world, he is being disliked by people around him.

2. Political persecution: Lu Gang, holding the hope that America is a free land, thinks he can do whatever without pressures from above. However, when he suffered from professors' disapproves he totally got disappointed. He claimed in his quotes that he hates prosecutions. When he was in the primary school, once the teacher was organizing a tour to Mao's monument, he refused to go saying he was tired. Then the teacher canceled all his candidate statuses to be class leaders. It happens both in China and America.

3. Chinese peoples' definition of success: There are several similar scenes in the movies we should notice. When Lu Gang was writing letters to his parents in China, he always pretended to be happy and lie to his parents. He doesn't wanted to disappoint his parents, because he thought it's a shame if he failed his study in America, and his parents would be laughed by their friends and colleagues.
He has won so many awards in the previous study, and couldn't accept even a simple failure. This extreme mentality was some kind related to Chinese education. Chinese education doesn't tolerate failures, especially for good students, they are "supported" by all the people around them, teachers, parents, relatives...Once when they fail, it would be a big shame and unfortunate for those people who care about them.