

2013-08-22 07:45:42

An eligible mixture of thriller and reflection




史蒂夫n Spielberg kept his own standard of directing a blockbuster with Sci-fi, thriller and reflection. (Oh, in other words, he happened to strengthen his standard by this film.)

The story structure was quite complete. Some implicit clue was displayed in the background telling while the climax plot was really astonishing. The film ended up with freely flying seagulls, describing a living method-- living naturally, which, especially attached great importance to the main meaning of the movie.

Some details and predictions were remarkably impressive. To illustrate, the souvenir represented the commercial essence, consequently the sin of make use of dinosaur. In the end, the dinosaur ruined the exhibition hall, which the developer deserved. Nevertheless, nowadays, don't the museums and parks follow this pattern of business? This was a nearly accurate prophecy.

Although Spielberg was a master worth respect, I have always been feeling fragments of dullness among his film, including Minority Report and Lincoln. In this film, for instance, the talk between Ellie Sattler and the grandpa could be shorter or impressive in order to keep audience from leaving the seats.(Am I intimating something??)

There was also a pity that the line of Dennis Nedry and Ray Arnold(Samuel 傑克森) looked not that complete.

In a word, no wonder Jurassic Park is a classic hit!

    談談我對史匹柏作品的直接感受——很容易睡著。《少數派報告》《戰馬》《林肯》我都睡了,儘管結尾和啟發性還不錯。說白了就是鋪墊有些冗長,不知道是不是我比較膚淺T T

    後面那位大哥啊,我知道你看過了啊,但是你要不要一直在跟你女朋友show off啊,要不要嘴巴唧吧唧地從頭侃到尾啊。我知道你英語NB啊,你跟讀了好幾句英語台詞啊,但是到DNA sequence 那段你丫怎麼不跟讀了??哦,你忙著show off 啊,恕我智商捉急,腦筋轉不過來啊!


