門當父不對--Meet the Parents


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導演: 傑洛奇
編劇: 葛瑞格利安納 Mary Ruth Clarke
演員: 勞勃狄尼洛 班史提勒 黛瑞波羅 布萊絲丹娜


2013-08-30 17:54:48


H:I』m sorry sir ,you』re gonna have to check that
F:-I got it
 H:That bag won』t fit...
F:-NO.I』am not checking my bag
 H:There is no need to raise your voice ,sir
F:-I』am not raise my voice,This would be raising my voice [shout],okey?.I don』t want to check my bag,By the way ,your airline,(you) suck at checking bags,because I already did that once ,and you lost it ,and then I had everything screwed up very badly for me ,okey?
 H:I can assure you that your bag will be placed safely below deck with the other luggage.
F:-Oh yeah?How do you know my bag will be safe below with the other luggage?Are you physically gonna take my bag beneath the plane?Are you gonna go with the guys with the earmuffs and put it in there?
F:-NO?Okay,then shut your pie hole(惡指嘴) and listen to me when I say that I am finished with the checking-of-the-bags conversation!
 H:Sir,we have a policy on this airline that if a bag is this large,we....[trying to get the luggage]
F:-Get your grubby(骯髒) little paws(爪子) off of my bag ,okay?It’s not like I have a bomb in here,It’s not like I want to blow up the plane,I wanna stow my bag according to your safety regulation
F:-If you would take a second and take the little sticks out of your head and clean out your ears,maybe you would see that I』m a person who has feelings,and all I have do is what I wanna do!And all I wanna do is hold onto my bag and not listen to you!The only way that I would ever let go of my bag would be if you came over here right now and tried to pry(撬) it from my dead,lifeless fingers,okay?if you can get it from my kungfu grip,then you can come and have it,okay?Otherwise,step off,bitch!