Say Anything...


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2013-09-16 21:58:55



01:08:59 --> 我應該問問朋友們,可是他們能給我答案嗎?
[John] I should be like those guys who hang at the AM-PM or the Gas 'n' Sip. But do guys like that know the answers?

[Buddy] No babe is worth it, you know? We'll teach you bibles of truths. You can't trust them. Know what it is?
They spend your money and tell their friends. It's economics.
You gotta find a girl who looks just like her...
...nail her and dump her.Get her off your mind.
Diane Court is a show pony.You need a stallion, my friend.

- Walk with us and walk tall.
MAN: Walk tall.
- Bitches, man!
MAN: Give him a complex.

- Dude, I better bail.
MAN: Okay, man.
- Later, Luke.
- Be cool, man.

[John] I got a question.If you know so much about women......why are you at a Gas 'n' Sip alone on a Saturday, with no women anywhere?


[Buddy] - By choice, man.
- It's a conscious choice.
We're choosing to be here.
- I'm choosing it.
- Dude, where'd she dump you, man?

[John] - My car.

[Buddy]- Your car?
- Dissed in the Malibu?
- Oh, heinous!
- That's your castle, man.
- No chance with a girl like that.
Hey, man. I was in love once, man.I got hurt really bad.
I never wanna go through that again.
- You're bringing me down!
- Shut up, man!

[Buddy] We're going to a kegger. We'd like you to come.
We're gonna find you a babe, man. We're gonna find you one hot babe. Instantly! Promise! One hot babe for you!

[John] I won't meet a girl like Diane at a kegger.
She was different. We didn't even have to go out to go out. We'd just hang. The girl made me trust myself, man. I was walking around,feeling satisfied. Can you imagine that? And then she cuts me loose. I don't know why. She won't say.Who knows the reason?
Maybe it's her father. She won't talk to me. Won't look at me.

[Buddy] Come on!
- Christ, what's up with you?
- You're freaking out!
- Chill, man!
- You're wigging.
He's wigging, man
He's wigging
I don't even feel that way
about my car.
He's wigging every day

Dude, name a babe, okay?
Any babe in 西雅圖. I'll set you up.

[John] Diane Court!

[Buddy] Dude, I can't do it, buddy.

Lloyd, Lloyd
All null and void
Listen to the truth
You're trying to avoid, Lloyd

[John] That was a mistake. 找這群損友聊天就是個錯誤