實習大叔--The Internship


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導演: 薛恩李維
編劇: 文斯范恩
演員: 蘿絲拜恩 歐文威爾森 文斯范恩 麥斯明格拉

Lovers' Cafe

2013-09-27 05:36:20


There is a saying in the selling world - Nothing will happen until someone sell something.

The movie internship talks about all the tears and laughs about two salesmen's job transition because of the previous company closed down. Probably everyone will have a chance to experience nowadays. This is a movie talks about life transition. The business may be changed, technology may be changed, trend may be changed. However, something has not changed at the end of day - the human being. We will want support, caring, assistance, sharing, etc all can be summed up as a way of communication. Then, Selling kicks in. There are two very basic thoughts built in all successful sales - one is being positively competitive and one is about caring people. I have two stories to tell. In case you already heard that, please just take them as a friendly reminder from a friend.

Positively Competitive.

Two men walked in a plain, they see a lion coming to them fast. One man was panic to death and the other one put down his backpack and opened it. He took away a pair of running shoes. The panic man said, "oh you think you can run faster than a lion?". The other man said," No, but I think I can run faster than you with a pair of running shoes."

Caring people.

Two salesmen were sent to a little village in African to sell shoes. Two days later, the manager call the first one and ask for the situation. The first salesman said, "Get man a ticket, I am coming back tomorrow. People don't wear shoes here. There is no market demand for our product.". Then, the manager called another salesman and asked for the situation. The other salesman said, " Great, please send me a container of shoes. Nobody is wearing shoes here. Everyone needs a pair. Thats good for them. They just don't realize that.

Back to the story, the changing economy took very hard on them and they pushed themselves hard to make change and found an internship in google. While all young kids made fun of two middle age men in a completely new environment, they found their way out. Formed a team, won a game and got a job so everyone happy. What most audience missed was middle age men with obsolete knowledge sometimes could share life experience which could be always useful.

有一種說法,在營銷的世界裡 - 什麼也不會發生,直到有人賣出一些東西。

電影《番生求職黨》敘述兩個推銷員因為原來那家公司倒閉, 經歷一段淚和笑的工作過渡期。也許在現今的社會, 可能每個人都會有機會體驗到。這是一套關於人生交叉點的電影。業務可能會改變,技術可能會改變,趨勢可能改變。然而,有些東西最後並沒有改變 - 人類需要支持,關懷,協助,分享等,凡此種種都可以歸結為溝通的一種方式。然後,都離不開銷售。 在所有成功的銷售其中有兩個非常基本的想法 - 一個是積極的競爭,一個由愛找到機會。我有兩個故事可一講。如果你已經聽到,請把它們作為一個溫馨提示。


兩個人走在一個平原,他們看到了獅子快速向他們奔過來。一名男子怕得要死,另一個放下自己的背包,慢慢打開它, 並拿出一雙跑鞋。恐慌的人說, 「哦,你覺得你能比獅子跑得更快嗎?」 。另一名男子說:「沒有,但我想我可以利用一雙跑鞋, 使我跑得比你快。 」


兩個推銷員被派往非洲的一個小村莊賣鞋。兩天後,經理致電第一個推銷員詢問的情況。第一個推銷員說, 「給我一張機票,我明天回來了,這裡的人們都不穿鞋。我們的產品有沒有市場需求。 」 然後,經理致電另一個推銷員詢問的情況。另一個推銷員說, 「太好了,請給我一個貨櫃的鞋子,這裡的人沒有鞋穿,每個人都需要一對,那是對他們好,他們只是沒有意識到。

回到電影的故事,經濟改變了, 他們活得很辛苦,要做出改變,在谷歌當實習生, 希望可以找到一分工作。雖然所有的 年青人在這個充滿競爭的全新環境,不斷在兩個中年男子身上尋開心,但最後他們都發現自己的出路。建立一個團隊,贏得了比賽,並找到了一份工作,是一個大家都快樂的結局。大部份觀眾忽略的,是有些人儘管知識陳舊了, 可是能夠分享的生活經驗,還是挺有用的。