

6.4 / 6,670人    89分鐘 | Japan:83分鐘

導演: 金基德
編劇: 金基德
演員: 曹在顯 李恩宇 徐英周


2013-10-03 04:17:16

Penis is a doom

1. The theme of the movie in one sentence: Penis is a doom!
2. It tells you a lot about penis envy and castration anxiety in the Freudian sense.
3. It tells you a lot about Oedipus complex and patriarchy
4. It tells you a lot about sexual impulse and sadism, the two most instinctive desires of human beings according to freud.
5. It has no dialogue at all. The absence of language symbolizes the deprivation of civilization.
6. The paradoxical part is that people can perfectly understand each other without language, which indicates that we are actually more understanding and understandable as animals rather than rational beings.
7. It also explores the relationship of pain and pleasure, love and revenge.
8. Anyone who regards it as a pure vulgar film is either too hypocritical or too stupid.