

6.7 / 8,215人    96分鐘

導演: S. J. 克拉克森
編劇: 李和
演員: 佛萊迪海默爾 肯史托 海倫娜波漢卡特


2013-10-14 07:04:47

Too many words to fit in the short review

ABOUT DEAR FH: Highmore didn`t show up until over half of the movie, but he showed up classic and adorable, so I am not gonna complain anything. Little Nigel was an adorable kid, that`s also the reason.

ABOUT THE MOVIE: Nigel`s childhood really arouses compassion but fortunately thing turned out right for him later. I guess life really stretches quite differently for everyone. Why, there are 6 billions of us in this world after all. For peace`s sake, live prosperously and healthily, with lemon marine pie( which I will strive to try someday).