今天暫時停止--Groundhog Day


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導演: 哈洛雷米斯
編劇: Danny Rubin Danny Rubin
演員: 比爾墨瑞 安蒂麥道威爾 克里斯艾略特 史蒂芬托波羅斯基


2013-10-16 08:53:53

The Unexpected, Expected Structure


"Phil has tried greed, lust, and all the other sins and found them to be empty delights, mere ashes in his mouth, With this realization comes Phil's acknowledgement that he has come to the end of himself, that he has nowhere else to go, which propels him not into death, but into the third act, Phil, at his lowest point, makes an existential decision to move on. And on and on and on. In the same way that it traditionally is a transformed hero who enters the third act, someone who is making a final bid to overcome his obstacles, Phil has come to realize that he must reinvent himself:
-Phil helps a beggar.
-Phil starts taking piano lessons
-Phil gives kind words to others
-Phil tries to save the beggar's life--but can't--although he tries many times
-Phil saves a boy from falling
-Phil fixes a flat tire
-Phil saves a man from choking
-The party--Phil plays the piano, entertains, and becomes the most beloved man in town. Rita bids for him in an auction. Phil sculpts Rita's face in ice; he declares his love for her no matter what happens tomorrow as they fall asleep on his bed
-The next day Phil awakens with Rita beside him--it is at last tomorrow; they begin a new day and a new life together"
In fact, there are three major stages of realization that Phil goes through: first, that he can't control his life; second, that he can't control his love; and third, that he isn't God, able to stop death.

(Good Scripts, Bad Scripts by 湯瑪士 Pope)
