鋼鐵墳墓--Escape Plan


6.7 / 260,157人    115分鐘

導演: 麥克哈夫斯強
編劇: 傑森凱勒
演員: 席維斯史特龍 阿諾史瓦辛格 吉姆卡維佐 文森唐諾佛利歐


2013-11-20 03:23:55



Before I watched the movie The Last Stand, I thought Arnold was near the end of his career, surely being older, his body couldn't handle the action any more. Now, having seen the movie I have changed my mind. When Arnold takes the machine gun and mercilessly shoots down the bad guy - at that moment I knew Hercules was back and would continue to rule. That feeling continued through this film and Escape Plan (aka The Tomb).
Mention Arnold Schwarzenegger, there is no doubt about his fame as The Terminator. T-800 a role that fans favor, the worst and the best character at the same time. "You are terminated" is at the heart of this classic. T-800 is a legend.
Another action star Sylvester Stallone, is another favorite of Chinese movie fans as John Rambo in First Blood and Rocky Balboa in the classic film series, Rocky. Recently, he returned to the big screen starring in The Expendables. With Jason Statham, Jet Li and Bruce Willis also starring in the Expendables, much of Stallone's thunder was stolen. But in Escape Plan, Stallone and Schwarzenegger, two legendary tough guys, combine forces with a tacit understanding, each produce outstanding performances. Once again, in The Last Stand, fans all over the world will enjoy a visual fiesta.
