地心引力--Gravity [2013]


7.7 / 870,554人    91分鐘

導演: 艾方索柯朗
編劇: 艾方索柯朗 羅得利哥賈西亞
演員: 喬治克隆尼 珊卓布拉克 Basher Savage


2013-11-23 19:14:44

Critiques on this movie

1. How can the director set Sandra Bullock as an idiot?
All along this movie plot, Sandra Bullock was a big burden everywhere. As a professional astronaut, she doesn't know how to operate the space station, nor knowing how to deal with emergencies. She was kept yelling "No, No..no" "I don't know「, "I'm going to die"...And finally her life was saved by George Clooney coming to her dream, in Chinese we say "託夢」, telling her the alternative way of landing off.
So stupid, Sandra Bullock always carries an image of intelligent, independent, strong feminine on the screen. However in this movie, she was like an amateur.

2. How can handsome actor die?
When I was sitting in the seat in the cinema, there was a little girl around 5-7 years old sitting behind. When George Clooney dropped off the rope and disappeared in the space. She asked more than 20 times to his father " Does he really die??"
When George Clooney came to Sandra's dream, the little girl cried in tears " Oh, he didn't die". She was so happy at the moment, she may wish these two astronauts can become lovers after experencing the disaster in the space.
My dear director, why do you let a little girl down...and how can the stupid actress live with out guiltiness in the rest of her life.

3. Why it's not scientific?
I'm not a physics geek. I don't know much about how life looks in the space without gravity. Nevertheless, there are several scenes totally disobeying the comon senses which I really want to scream!
Why the hell it's so messed up in the space station. All the rubbishes are floating on the air,including the screws, water drops, food, even fire! The fire nearly killed Sandra!
Don't they know anything about the scientific operations in the space.
At least when I was watching "神州載人飛船」, all the astronauts were operating the machines in good manners and orders.
Oh yes, the Chinese astronauts are of course more professional under the dictatorship training in China, right?
That's why American astronauts die...hah