地心引力--Gravity [2013]


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導演: 艾方索柯朗
編劇: 艾方索柯朗 羅得利哥賈西亞
演員: 喬治克隆尼 珊卓布拉克 Basher Savage


2013-11-25 06:54:36

It makes me wanna spit it out...

Well, how to tell my feelings about this movie..

What takes the largest piece of cake is, that must not be a good choice for Virgo. if you are a Virgo, and now in danger, time's running, fire's on your butt, how come you be so sensitive that you cannot move faster? Make everything faster on the track it should be, plz!!! Why!!

Lets come back to the earth, er..(lol)
As people all know that, towards writers, both eastern and western, ages ago and of the days, in addition, especially male writers, are more likely to blame women in their articles. you'll find instances in Macbeth, by Shakespeare, The Plum in the Golden Vase, by ??, and even, Eva in Bible. Despite whether there is sexism in it or not, I have no brow of the woman in this film as she ought to be professional to be an astronaut to stay in space for days at least. Yet I found nothing but her weak points as a female, like anxious, hesitated, much too emotional, and she just acts like a trouble maker. But the characteristics on her really add colours to the film, drag people into the atmosphere of fear and breathlessness. Probably that is the reason why she comes into my bad books. I am struggling when she works unwisely and unprofessional.

Point two I wanna state, is somewhat disgusting space trash, I just can never imagine we gonna make the space as a trash bin filled with danger.. While we are still doing that kind of things. A word should be inserted here, Virgo do not like mess (not dirty things only, "mess" would be more exactly). It seems to be the root reason of the crisis in film since the first sentence hits the target is "they are coming" instead of meaningless chitchat at the beginning which can hardly catch my attention not only because of small volume.

After spiting out, there should come some positive statements to protect me from refuting coming before all my points are shown.

As an American film, the special effects were used in a definitely marvellous way. The lovely planet we live, the boundless space, never-ending flowing stuff, are all fascinating, gorgeous, yet untouchable. We all know how many people are dying for that and how many died for that, obviously we watched in the film.

As a movie queen, she makes it perfectly as so many times she changes her mind and shows different emotions. In all, she is sentient so fail to kill herself. (Another sentence inserted here ha, I think it must be soul of George Clooney that came into her dream as there is a saying in China called "tuo meng" which means the soul or spirit of deceased person comes into an alive people's dream, appear just like a human and make a request or tell something inspiring to the dreamer.) While philosophy of materialism holds the opinion that she managed to survive must owe to her subconsciousness, that is to say, she know how to do indeed, but fear let her forget that part for the moment, but when she came to another, I call that psychological space, she eventually awoke. Also psychologists are used to explain things like in that way from the angle of psychology. Actually monodrama delivers actor/actress『 mental performance more, in most cases.

Detailism. Almost touches perfection.

Summary: Mixed blessing, if you insist to sit in the cinema, don't be hesitate. If you are not so fond of science fiction films, stay at home. lol. If you are Virgo, keep far away from it!

All for fun. Hold your pants/chastity belts.