地心引力--Gravity [2013]


7.7 / 870,554人    91分鐘

導演: 艾方索柯朗
編劇: 艾方索柯朗 羅得利哥賈西亞
演員: 喬治克隆尼 珊卓布拉克 Basher Savage


2013-12-04 20:04:54

Ignorance is a blessing

I think i enjoyed it largely because of my scientific ignorance.

The IMAX screen played a major part too.

It was outrageous to see George CLoony just floating away like that, no more than 10 minutes after the beginning.

The total alienation, oblivion, separation from anything, anything at all... the fear and desperation... is all too real to me.

Even if nothing holds you to Mother Earth and life itself, we struggle to stay here. It doesn't matter why. Survival is all.