黑色星期天--Black Sunday [IT]


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導演: Mario Bava
編劇: Ennio De Concini Mario Serandrei
演員: Barbara Steele 約翰李察遜 Andrea Checchi


2013-12-08 13:49:19


作為一部在恐怖電影歷史中頗具里程碑意義的影片,「撒旦的面具」 融合的恐怖元素。

資料顯示這部電影是基於果戈裡的小說VIY創作的。科普viy了解,這是過去英國一個名叫 Little Russia 的地方對侏儒精靈老大的稱號,傳說這位精靈老大的眼睫毛可以拖到地面(是因為矮還是睫毛長就沒有興趣研究了)。然而果戈裡的故事精簡概括就是一個學生與女巫、魔鬼在教堂的終極戰鬥。學生因為對魔鬼的恐懼最終死亡,而邪惡力量因為戰鬥過癮沒有發現天亮了還待在教堂里(太無腦了吧。。。)被永久封印在教堂里,最終教堂被廢棄。





Andre: Princess Katia, I hope I did not interrupt you

Katia: No, I just feel so desperate and alone

Andre: I understand, But you must not fear. You must always have faith in yourself, and in life.

Katia: In life? What is my life ?
          Sadness and grave, something destroys it day by day, and no one can rebuild it.

Katia walk to a stagnant pool

Katia: Here is the very image of my life. Look at it, it is being consumed hour and hour, like this garden.

           Abandoned, and purposeless exists.

Andre: If there is the man who abandoned this castle, or even there is...
            There should be no reason why you should do likewise to your life and to you.
           Go far away from here, and you will be happy again, Katia.
            Forgive me if I call you by name.
           And remember, I am always ready to help you.

Katia: You are very kind man, Andre. But today, everything seems so hopeless. I fear sense of terror, resemblance of death.
          I am being destroyed by something inside my body.
          How I wish I could have your faith and strength.

Andre: You must not be despair, I know it's hard for you. But even in here in this garden, the sun will reach the darkness corner, chase away the shadow of the night.

Katia: Andre, help me. I beg you to help me.

