白日夢冒險王--The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


7.3 / 343,240人    114分鐘

導演: 班史提勒
編劇: 史蒂夫康拉德 James Thurber
演員: 班史提勒 克莉絲汀薇格 莎莉麥克琳 亞當史考特


2014-01-04 01:59:49

"It lights up your heart."

"It's very sweet, and it lights up your heart" was literally what I said to my colleague as a quick recommendation right after walking out of the theatre from watching this aspiring film.

Technically in terms of story telling, this film wouldn't have showed up on my "List of Recommendation" especially given the here-and-there "little talks" that don't really contribute much to the core. BUT, somehow it's the big-time temperament of "grab the bag and go" has made the great difference that "lights up your heart".

As surreal or "out of sense" as some plots may seem, it makes great sense and connects amazingly with me, those who dream to see the world, however on the road already or not.

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to; To see behind walls, to draw closer; To find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life.」 "Beautiful things don't ask for attention."