地心引力--Gravity [2013]


7.7 / 870,554人    91分鐘

導演: 艾方索柯朗
編劇: 艾方索柯朗 羅得利哥賈西亞
演員: 喬治克隆尼 珊卓布拉克 Basher Savage


2014-01-10 05:42:51



31:29 You have to let me go,or we both die.
65:08 I got it,it's nice up here.You can just shut down all the systems,turn out all the lights... and just close your eyes and turn out everybody.
          There's nobody up here that can hurt you.It's safe.I mean,what's the point of going on?What's the point of living?Your kid died.Doesn't get any rougher than that.But still,it's a matter of what you do now.If you decide to go,then you gotta just get on with it.Sit back,enjoy the ride.You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start livin' life.

  以喬治克魯尼先生的那句台詞來做結尾,「what's the point of going on?What's the point of living?」
