性福療程--The Sessions


7.2 / 41,331人    95分鐘

導演: 班李文
編劇: 班李文
演員: 約翰霍克斯 海倫杭特 威廉梅西 夢恩布拉古

2014-01-25 23:15:13

the love poem for no one particularly. It is just love feeling

no words to say. Just excerpt from his poem.

Let me touch you with my words For my hands Lie limp as empty gloves. Let my words stroke your hair. Slide down your back and tickle your belly. For my hands. Light and free-flying as bricks. Ignore my wishes and stubbornly refuse to carry out my quietest desires. Let my words enter your mind. Bearing torches. Admit them willingly into your being. So they may caress you gently,within.