賭城風雲--From Vegas to Macau


4.9 / 1,851人    93分鐘

導演: 鍾少雄
演員: 周潤發 謝霆鋒 杜汶澤 景甜 童菲 許紹雄


2014-02-04 09:27:22


A movie that completely wastes Chow's return as 賭神. Funny at times, but only in a 王晶 kind of way: dirty and boneheaded, but it doesn't work all the time. The dialogues are awkward, and the story progression is close to non-existent. Really a movie without much depth, and does nothing to make Macau look good, considering the fact that Macau is one of its highlight in the promotion. It is also impressing that they are able to make Nicholas, who I consider one of the best Chinese actor look horrible. The character relationships are also messed up in so many ways that nothing make sense, even for a boneheaded nonsensical movie.