

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2014-02-11 04:44:04

A ton of weed

Her feels like a ton of weed, like a film that's trying very hard to tell a story and end it as soon as possible, which we have 史蒂夫n Soderbergh to thank for, he seems to be involved in everything (directing 2nd unit in The Hunger Games; trying to finance Shane Carruth's A Topiary and cutting his own version of The Canyons, and these are just the stuff I know) and in this case, he cut a good 60 minutes of it, including a subplot starring Chris 古柏 about an in-film documentary. Guess we will never find out what he actually cut, but I bet it's epic.

Jonze explained "[Kaufman] said he wanted to try to write everything he was thinking about in that moment - all the ideas and feelings at that time - and put it into the script. I was very inspired by that, and tried to do that in [her]. And a lot of the feelings you have about relationships or about technology are often contradictory."

I genuinely sensed that he was channelling Charlie Kaufman from Synecdoche, 紐約 and Spike Jonze has always been more articulating than metaphoric-driven like Charlie was in creative approach, other words, he's better at telling stories and not making a story worth telling.

A few very interesting news about the production, yes the futuristic look was shot in none other than Shanghai, the Samantha character was really played by actress Samantha Morton (Hazel in Synecdoche, 紐約) on location, sitting in a 4 by 4 soundproof carpeted box, for some reason was later replaced by Scarlett Johansson, and I feel that's vivid and all but a waste of time and money, no doubt.

One gospel truth uttered at later part of the film when Theodore was emotionally challenged with the fact that Samantha has consciously became a bit of a digital slut after some serious philosophical consulting, dwelling in pain and confusion, Theodore came to the realization sitting on the steps, "you are mine and you are not mine", Samantha responded "no Theodore, I'm yours and I'm not yours."

That serves as a satisfying conclusion for human-human relationship in my book also, I guess the whole detour to a human-android relationship is to come back with that kind of wisdom.