藥命俱樂部--Dallas Buyers Club


7.9 / 521,745人    117分鐘

導演: 尚馬克瓦利
編劇: 梅麗莎沃雷克
演員: 馬修麥康納 珍妮佛嘉納 傑瑞德雷托 丹尼斯奧黑爾


2014-02-12 05:32:38

Mathew McConaughey's film 達拉斯 Buyers Club

Matthew McCaughey leads the film from beginning till the the end. He links really skinny in the film and acts so well that aundience like me is grasped by it.

The story is not surprising but the message and spirit that it denotes are inspiring: in the U.S. rights can be won through legal measures although there some obvious problems with its medical system.

The end of the film is not out of expectation. The main character dies like a hero in the battle field.