地心引力--Gravity [2013]


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導演: 艾方索柯朗
編劇: 艾方索柯朗 羅得利哥賈西亞
演員: 喬治克隆尼 珊卓布拉克 Basher Savage


2014-02-13 04:48:54

catch you, my gravity

I always remember that once i got off a bus or went out of a subway station, i can feel a new start from then on. In high school, Shantou, a small lightening city, it gave me three years for pursuing my great ambitions with a brilliant future. In college, the past four years had witnessed a totally changing life happened with me. I was seeking for a fit and unique way for my future, negating what had happened and ignoring the pressure from reality. Just do what i liked, not a suffering man. And i hope to be abroad someday, though it still doesn't come true. But as time passes, something must be taken, for life is always changing. Recently i had a good holiday at home for the spring festival, without homework and pressure. I had a trip circling my home country and saw the amazing nature and society around chaoshan hometown, i called. And today i take high-speed railway to Guangzhou again, to accomplish my study time as a graduate student. When i got off the train, it struck me with a cold wind and a raining weather. Even these, i could feel a new hope in the city, and i back again. Maybe Guangzhou has something magical that always attracts me.
Back to the movie, Gravity. This afternoon i watched the movie on the train, though before this many friend had recommended it for me and pursued watching it with imax. i had not went into cinema since last November, for the limited time and interests. But it is my first time to watch movie with a phone on a train. i can enjoy the passing scenery as well as listening the tape. Due to some comments to the movie, actually i had known the abstract of the story. And i thought there was nothing newfangled about the movie. What it had is the high technology about the spaceship, something like that. But in the movie, i could enjoy much more. The great blue and amazing earth, the spaceship and shuttle, the spaceman and the pieces, the beautiful sunrise and the black universe, all of these were so shocking that i seemed to be part of them and felt the small human in the world, with heartquake background musics. Again and again, it brought me to the deepest heart. What impressed me most is the last part that the space with many pieces of it were roaring to the earth together. It is so beautiful and attractive that i turned back again for a second time. i am very happy that the astronaut finally back to the earth. All the full-length shots are so wonderful and couldn't be forgotten. i couldn't image what would happen to my feeling if i went to cinema for it.
In the end, it gave me a enjoyable time on the train. This time i feel it again that films can give what i want apart from life and reinforce hopes for life, making people live more wonderful, with some feelings never can take place sometime. And today i back to Guangzhou, i say back to maybe that means i still love the city and hopefully want to make a good life with the city. Is it true? i don't know. In the deepest of my heart, i wish a busy life that can fulfill myself and be the most wonderful person someday. And still today my hope for the great place never fade away. And i can feel that there is a new hope happening today. i will catch you, my gravity.