

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2014-02-15 18:30:41

irresistibly drawn

Firstly, back to yesterday, happy Valentine’s Day. Everything went well and I deeply trusted what it existed. Honestly speaking, a sense of sleeping or loneliness would happen that night. But actually it has never come again since this year, for I felt different dimensions in my life and there are much more important things to do right now. It is always time fighting for a good her, my great future.
Her, the special movie, is wonderful, with beautiful words from loving hearts and fantastic dramas about human and the artificially intelligent operating system called OS1. In the film, Theodore, the melancholy character who is in the midst of a painful divorce and facing the prospect of taking on the dreaded dating jungle, is irresistibly drawn to Samantha. They two all felt it was true about their feelings with each other, and they fell in love, although they could also felt it was ridiculous at the same time. They have changed and improved each other. But it was still not true they knew, for Samantha lacked a physical body, just with the feelings existing. Who Samantha was, what she looked like, and where she was, all of these doubtful phenomenon never passed to the end. Maybe the best choice is like what the movie has been showed, the leaving of Samantha and Theodor’s being back to his life with his best friend. At least it is true and the happiness would be longer I think. To his wife, Theodore couldn』t handle well with the relationship. And just as the director said, in the deep of his heart, he liked a woman. But I know in the daily life, a man or a woman has something weak with what he or she seems to like or be skilled in. And no one can escape from it, a pity world.
But still the latest message he sent to his wife was still worm to each other, and it’s a comfortable and delighted treasure for each other. I am sitting in front of the computer to think one of the series of things to apologize for the pain that came from each other. I always love you because we love each other, and because of you I become who I am. I just want you to know, you will be a piece of my life always. So I am grateful for that. Whatever someone you become, wherever you are to be, I am still in love and your friend to the end.
Time to work, and the beautiful music from the movie can still be moving to the end. Best wishes for he and her, great honor couldn』t be resisted.