藥命俱樂部--Dallas Buyers Club


7.9 / 521,745人    117分鐘

導演: 尚馬克瓦利
編劇: 梅麗莎沃雷克
演員: 馬修麥康納 珍妮佛嘉納 傑瑞德雷托 丹尼斯奧黑爾


2014-04-04 06:12:44

Absolute Quotes


rodeo n.競技牛仔

daisy puller n. Homosexual

Stumpy/ Stumpie n. 矮胖墩

run the blood tests 血檢

Here's... These are...

If u could listen to me for a moment. I know this could a scary thing, you are probably feeling alone right now. But we'd like to do this to impress you upon the gravity of your situation. Based on your health, based on your condition, based on the evidence we have, we estimate you have thirty days left. To put your affairs in order.

Let me give y'all news flash, ...

the onset of = the attack of/ the beginning of/ [醫]發病
