性愛成癮的女人(上)--Nymphomaniac (Long Version) I


6.9 / 131,894人    117分鐘 | 145分鐘 (uncut version)

導演: 拉斯馮提爾
編劇: 拉斯馮提爾
演員: 夏綠蒂甘絲柏格 史戴倫史柯斯嘉 西亞李畢福 烏瑪舒曼


2014-04-07 06:22:34




女主Joe悲劇的人生,對性的追求,壓抑 和暴發,對愛情的迷茫,都是女性在男權社會力的一個悲劇。故事在一個老學究單身漢和受傷的JOE之間展開。JOE的回憶和故事,都可以與生活里地一些類似宗教 科學 藝術的知識聯繫起來。老學究從來沒有做過愛,所以客觀得分析著一切。

The secret ingredient of sex is love. That's true. 但是我們在追逐愛情和性的時候本就是不平等的,對於性來說,愛情是添加劑。但是沒有亦可。然而單純的性對女人來說很容易變成可悲的東西,因為性這個東西被加上了道德標籤,尤其是對女人。一個男人有幾個性伴侶是ordinary story,然而對於一個女人來說,就有一些驚世駭俗了。

這部電影在講述的幾個故事,可以說是層層遞進的。從一開始一個小女孩對性朦朧的迷戀,到青春時代對性放肆的享受,再到體會過親情愛情後性變成一種壓力和放縱,Joe選擇了逃避放棄但是失敗了,因為她無法放棄自己的本真。最後她真心選擇了new start,因為那時候她一無所有,青春,愛情,親情,健康,唯有放棄才可以活下去。也是一種悲劇吧。作為HUMAN BEING活在這個社會,過度的追求自我將會是一種徹頭徹尾的孤獨,只有對於些許規則作出妥協,可能得到的不是你想要的,確是basic requirements.

結局也挺耐人尋味,究竟是老頭殺了JOE還是JOE殺了老頭。其實從任何角度上來說,都是女性對於SEX純粹的追求再次被粉碎了。一直冷靜客觀的學者,充滿了道德感 社會責任感的這樣一個學者,在JOE的放縱 邪惡 和墮落面前,被徹底地誘惑了。而JOE關於一個NEW START的美好願望就終究只是一個願望。因為一切都抵不過人類的本性。


摘錄幾段我挺喜歡的台詞 (原諒我的聽力)

女主:The idea was competition. We were to go on the train trip
B said there was no need for tickets
the one who fucked the most man when we reach the destination would win the chocolate sweeties
老頭:Interrupt here, what you will do when you walk down the corridor here
you were reading the river
Most of the large fishes stay shelters from the current to save energy, and try to prey
where the fishes hide in the stream tells a very complicated hierarchy.
the geopoiography decides where the most attractive places are
the biggest fish choose the best positions

B:smile, make eye contact,
女主:what if that doesn』t work
B:if you have to talk, remember to ask a lot of wh questions if you want more than Yes or NO answers
not always happen so you just take off them to lavatory and have sex with them
女主:eh what if it is nasty
B:oh you just think of the bag of chocolate sweeties

During the whole of the dull dark soundless in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low from the heavens, i had been passing alone on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher.

老頭:you shouldn』t use that word
  that is not what it is called politically right
女主:well excuse me but in my circles
  it is always remarkable to call things based on its bain
  each time when a word become prohibited, you removed a stone from demographic foundation
  society demonstrated its emptiness in the face of a concrete problem by removing word from a language
老頭:I think society will claim that polically right is a very precise expression of democratic concerns for minorities
女主:and I say this society is as coward as the people in it
 who, in my opinion, also too stupid for democracy
老頭:I understand your point but I totally disagree
 I have no doubt to human qualities
女主:the human qualities can be expressed in one word: hypocrisy
  we eliphate those who say right but mean wrong
  and what those who say wrong but mean right
by the way I can tell that women who said niggers don』t excite them they are piers
老頭:so did they satisfy you, those niggers
女主:no but they show me there is a world far from here that i have to explore
 and there, perhaps on the side get my life back

老頭:You did what
女主:I give him a blow job
Nobody knows his secret, most probably, not even himself. He sat there, with shame, I suppose I suck him like kind of apology
This is a man who succeeded in repressing his own desire, who had never before given in to it, right up until I forced it out
He had lived a life full of deny and he had never hurt someone
I think that’s laudable
Perhaps you think of him one of the 5% who actually hurt children, The remaining 95% never leave out their decencies
Think about their suffering, sexuality is the strongest force in human beings
to be born with the forbidden sexuality much be agonizing

The pedophile who managed to get through his life with the shame of his desire will never acting on it deserves the bloody metal
there was another reason for my sympathy which you may find mysterious
I saw a man who was carrying same loads as me, loneliness

you are a human being demanding her right and more than that
you are a women demanding her right
think of two men walking down the train and looking for women , do you think anybody would raise their eyebrow? or if a man had lived a life you have?
and the story about Mrs H would be extremely normal if you being a man, and you come across being a woman.
when a man leaves his children because of his desire, people may accept it as a struggle
but you as a women, you had to take honor, a guilt, a burden guilt that can never be relieved
all and all , all the blame and guilt, they piled up within years become too much for you, you reacted aggressively, almost like a man, i have to say
and you fight back, you fight back against gender that repressing you, mutilating you, killing you and billions of women
