藥命俱樂部--Dallas Buyers Club


7.9 / 521,745人    117分鐘

導演: 尚馬克瓦利
編劇: 梅麗莎沃雷克
演員: 馬修麥康納 珍妮佛嘉納 傑瑞德雷托 丹尼斯奧黑爾


2014-04-08 05:24:47

達拉斯 Buyers Club

A compassionate transformation about a man who is the least likely to transform. 達拉斯 Buyers Club is more of a character analysis than a story, but because of Matthew McConaughey, it has become a very memorable movie. McConaughey's acting undoubtedly elevated every aspect of the movie as he fully embodied the character of Ron Woodroof, otherwise this would have been a very average movie without a truly deep story. And for this performance, I truly think he is deserving of the Oscar.