白日夢冒險王--The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


7.3 / 346,214人    114分鐘

導演: 班史提勒
編劇: 史蒂夫康拉德 James Thurber
演員: 班史提勒 克莉絲汀薇格 莎莉麥克琳 亞當史考特

Ms. Excelsior

2014-04-08 14:52:36

We are All Dreamers


華特 is a typical dreamer. The first half of the film illustrates his real daily life, which is pretty much same as anybody else's. We work hard for living and so focus on inside, so we have no time to care more about the outside. The only different thing is he daydreams more frequently. We all have our dreams and want to chase them, while the truth is we have too many fancy excuses to prevent us doing these. 華特 is like a mirror and he reflects what is in our hearts.

Charley makes him to be a better person. She give him the courage to bravely chase his dream and do not be afraid. When he tries to find another job, his resume is fantastic. Life is about experience and action oriented. Dream it and then do it. Believe me, it will make a difference.
