盧安達飯店--Hotel Rwanda


8.1 / 373,487人    121分鐘

導演: 泰瑞喬治
編劇: Keir Pearson 泰瑞喬治
演員: Xolani Mali 唐其鐸 Desmond Dube


2014-04-11 17:42:03

Paul accomplished the extraordinary

Hotel Rwanda, nominated for 3 Oscars, deserved them. The film told us a story of an ordinary people Paul Rusesabagina tried his best to help others in the country war during the terrible time, brutally murder, atrocities. He summoned the rest of the world to focus the troubles in Rwanda. Another Schindler’s List, we know well. Although it has never happened in my world since I was born, I can still feel the Scud Genocide’s happening. No stars, no light or flames, and there just dead bodies left behind. Search the opportunity to escape from the hotel, to be a humble man in wars. I hate wars, no matter how it is justified. Man has rights to live and enjoy the happiness time belongs to themselves. There is no person or power to deprive these essential gives. Dear person, do not ignore the miserable world again. Seeing the heart-wrenching scenes, a stunning pause knocked me. Just as the photographer said, people around the world may be amazed by the pictures at first and then go on with their whiskies as usual. But in another side, actually most of us do not know what we could do for them and what they actually need. I don』t want to condemn or criticize the concerning governments. In fact they have done what they can for their people. And there is no powers or abilities for them to take more actions or gives more shelters for them. I am so sorry for the people murdered in wars. And I hate this feeling. But I am here, and I love people in the world. If something happens in my country, I would fight for them. Back to work, I am still fighting. Hotel Rwanda, see it.