

2014-04-13 23:56:36


雖然我也認為男主是賤男,女主不漂亮,Fox kept my eyes on the screen,但因此說是女主自導自演的YY作品……這話也說得太mean了吧……但不mean的人也不會選擇看這類型片子,我沒有把自己排除在外的哦,呵呵。Anyway,作為一個很少從小玩到大的朋友的剩女來說,真的挺羨慕這種彼此熟悉到就像自己身體的一部份的關係的,You know, I』ve loved this girl for 19 years, Ben. It’s fully half of my life. I know everything there is to know about her. I know the mood she’s in when she wakes up in the morning. Always happy, ready for the day, can you imagine? I know that she’s honest, she won』t even take the little shampoo bottles from the hotel room, or sneak into the movie theatre for a double feature. She always buys a second ticket, always. I know that we have the same values, we have the same taste, we have the same sense of humour. I know that we all think that organized religion is completely full of shit. I know that if she is ever paralyzed from the neck down, she would like me to unplug her, and I will. I know her position on just about everything, and I am on board! I am on board with everything about her.可惜,再也沒有這樣大把大把的時光來培養這種彼此認識、彼此犯二、彼此體諒、彼此欣賞、知根知底的感情了。
既然現實不能實現,那就在電影裡YY一下也無妨吧,何況絕大多數愛情片不就是給人YY的嗎?   舉報