重點是,我愛你--Instructions Not Included


7.5 / 32,874人    115分鐘 | USA:122分鐘

導演: 歐亨尼奧德伯茲
編劇: 歐亨尼奧德伯茲
演員: 歐亨尼奧德伯茲 蘿瑞多佩拉爾塔 Jessica Lindsey Daniel Raymont


2014-04-21 22:37:49

The best investment of your life

in life,there are blows harder than being thrown from La Quebrada at 6 years old.
Now I know all my Dad wanted was to make me ready.
It was his way of telling me that he loved me of preparing me to face life.

We learned that 7 years can count as much as 70 or as 700.And that 10 dollars for a cab may end up being the best investment of your life.