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導演: 羅曼波蘭斯基
編劇: 羅柏湯恩
演員: 傑克尼柯遜 費唐娜薇 約翰休斯頓 黛安賴德


2014-05-09 07:18:03



我就想問一句話: do you screw like a chinaman

看完這個電影,就想著讓這些70年代活躍在社會上的種族逼趕緊死,反正年紀算下來都差不多六七十歲了,大半個身子也已經入了棺材。最後死了個女的,男主角淚眼汪汪想不同,朋友安慰一下也就罷了,還「this is Chinatown」。真想對著臉踹丫兩腳

懶得去注意藝術形式,種族色彩太明顯。華裔管家修建草坪,說「salt water bad for grass」。偵探一直在重複「glass」。這種對於發音的偏見已經奠定了整部片子的基調。



So there's this guy Walsh, do you understand? He's tired of screwin' his wife... So his friend says to him, "Hey, why don't you do it like the Chinese do?" So he says, "How do the Chinese do it?" And the guy says, "Well, the Chinese, first they screw a little bit, then they stop, then they go and read a little Confucius, come back, screw a little bit more, then they stop again, and then they go out and they contemplate the moon or something like that. Makes it more exciting." So now, the guy goes home and he starts screwin' his own wife, see. So he screws her for a little bit and then he stops, and he goes out of the room and reads Life Magazine. Then he goes back in, he starts screwin' again. He says, "Excuse me for a minute, honey." He goes out and he smokes a cigarette. Now his wife is gettin' sore as hell. He comes back in the room, he starts screwin' again. He gets up to start to leave again to go look at the moon. She looks at him and says, "Hey, whats the matter with ya. You're screwin' just like a Chinaman!"

對此我只想說: 刮刮你們的體毛吧,別長到腦子裡了。給自己腋下身體上多噴點兒香水兒,別給自己熏著。有空多教孩子做做數學題,別老二點幾。華人菁英們二十年後讓你明白。