我的生存之道--How I Live Now


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導演: 凱文麥唐納
原著: Meg Rosoff
編劇: 傑瑞米布魯克 Jack Thorne
演員: 莎柔絲羅南 湯姆荷蘭 喬治麥凱


2014-05-19 07:28:19

it'all about faith

from a 17 aged girl :
the meaning of living can be generalized into the right to pursue felicity.
youny as teenagers are, in such dangerous a world of war , turmoil,indulgency, is hard for us to choose our path,couse we are neither not sure about where it leads to ,nor blinded by appearce,
even decieved by our own.
it's all about survive , gain or pain,
about passion about heart
she is lucky ,being faithful to her vow , while make it at last
courage? luck? patience?selfrestrain?
the silent kid survives   舉報