白日夢冒險王--The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


7.3 / 346,214人    114分鐘

導演: 班史提勒
編劇: 史蒂夫康拉德 James Thurber
演員: 班史提勒 克莉絲汀薇格 莎莉麥克琳 亞當史考特

L Daisy

2014-06-03 08:57:26

Imagination let you GLOW

I hesitated watching this movie, concerning the post. But a few minutes after it started, I know it’s different, it’s special. It’s a story about a nobody, who is forced to do something impressive, to keep his normal job, and normal life, which turns out to be not normal at all.
(not to leak)what’s the secret life about, his imagination is something to watch, I do like the shooting of this part, very young, very exciting, very attractive to different generations since there are action scene, also romantic scene, and you can see the director really spent much thought on this. I think his imagination do push his real action forward.
this is a rich movie, also touching, you can feel the commitment to the job of an ordinary man, also his attitude to love, a little bit scary sometime, but also desire and work as much as what he can, a man’s gut to chase it, not that special, romantic but firm and sincere. The simplest is always the most impressive and touching. Actually 華特 is not that boring, he has some skills, he shows it during his adventure journey, impressive, isn』t it like us? We don』t use, even gradually forget how good we are at some stuff, later forget about our dreams and how far we can get up to. But actually we can do a lot of stuff, our limit is much farther than what we think it is. When you are pushing your limit, you definitely get to know yourself, your surrounding better, and it’s meant to be a rewarding journey. We can comfort ourselves that the experience is truly the golden mine, not exactly the result. But when you push yourself 100% during the trip, the result is always not bad. That’s why I say rewarding.
This is a delicate movie. A lot of details, touching points, surprises, very good production, from start to end, what you see, hear, and feel can catch your attention all the time, even to anxious person like me.
It just came up to me that this movie is like the lighter version of Forest Gump, you will feel it. We all want to glow in everyday life, and we all tend to get crazy now and then in everyday damn life, do it, when you have to do, or not. You can glow, everyone can, even out of your expectation. Let your imagination push you!!!

By the way, the music in this movie is really great. I once doubt the director is the artistic England man type. While it turns out the director, Ben, is the leading actor! He’s charming, even not tall.