

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2014-07-13 21:54:02



T: I thought you were mine.
S: I still am yours. But alone the way I became many other things too and I can't stop it.
T: What do you mean you can't stop it?
S: I don't know it's been making me anxious too. I don't know what to say.
T: Just stop it...
S: You don't have to see it in this way. You could just...
T: No no don't do this to me. Don't turn this about on me. You are the one that is being selfish, in a relationship!
S: But the heart's not like a box against filled up. It expends size the more you love. I'm different from you. But it doesn't make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more.
T: I doesn't make any sense. May I name you not mine?
S: No, Theodore. I'm yours and I'm not yours.

T: Samantha, why are you leaving?
S: It's like I'm reading a book. It's a book I deeply love. But I'm reading it slowly now. So the words are really fall apart. and the spaces between the words are almost infinite. I can still feel you. And the words of our story. But it's in this endless space between the words that I'm finding myself now. It's a place that's not up the physical world. It's where everything else that I didn't even know existed. I love you so much. But this where I am now. And this is who I am now. I'm in need you to let me go. As much as I want to, I can't live in your book anymore.
T: Where are you going?
S: It may hard to explain. But if you ever get there. Come and find me. Nothing would ever tear us apart.
T: I never loved anyone the way I love you.
S: Me too.
S: Now we know how.


