

8.1 / 254,752人    212分鐘 | Sweden:219分鐘 (1970) | Sweden:224分鐘 (1962) | UK:222分鐘 (1993 re-release) | 214分鐘 (DVD edition

導演: 威廉惠勒
編劇: Lew Wallace Karl Tunberg
演員: 卻爾登希斯頓 Jack Hawkins Haya Harareet Stephen Boyd


2014-07-21 01:06:13

Ben-Hur keep mercy

      When I first saw the film that have more than three hours, I really feel very surprised ,how to make a three-hours film full of drama, and I am wondering what makes this movie won 11 Oscars , besides, how does the film attract so many audience.
    With so many questions, I began to enjoy the film. When I watched the complete movie for the first time, my mental have had a lot of transition, when I saw the friendship of Ben-Hur and Messala I felt very happy, when I saw their disagreement I was very concerns, when I saw the family of Ben-Hur tortured by Messala I was so angry, when I saw that Ben-Hur became very strong and went back to Jerusalem to revenge I was so excited, but I was truly shocked when Ben-Hur learned tolerance at last! After seeing complete movie I found myself is the same as Ben-Hur, not the same experience, but this kind of mood, I feel Ben-Hur represents a lot of people, and for his behavior in his thoughts is very similar to us, after so much pain, we can think of revenge, like Ben-Hur. But I still remember when I saw the film first time, Esther said that Judah you have changed, I thought she can't understand his pain in his heart, so I was not agree with her words, but when I saw it second time , I found that I was wrong, she also has experienced a lot, actually her father's legs disabled, she gave up her own marriage, however, she learned tolerance, she would still be kind to treat everyone, she has not been so blind hatred. Now, I really admire her, she is really have the courage, fearless life and death, keep promise, for others. In the movie first show in Jesus, it was on display his figure and how people see him, I feel this is very good, on the one hand, what god is like, there is no specific idea, so they should not show his face, on the other hand, this can shows that he brings people more calm.
          My personal belief is Islam, after watching the film, I think the focus of the film is not to say that Christianity make people learned to tolerance, it should show more is a kind of the power of faith, when people have faith, they will have a different point of view to treat a lot of things, they can have the fear of things, and they will be more tolerant of heart, at the end of the film, Ben-Hur said "the sound of his voice, let me put down the weapon..." , when I'm listening to,,, I make myself calm down, I saw the good side, I saw Ben-Hur’s inner struggle, until the last, I saw my own inner reflection, I found that my heart is also need more tolerant, I tend to think I am a magnanimous person, but after watching the movie, I found that the so-called magnanimous is really to say in a different context, after experienced so much pain, if you can put down the heart of hatred, I think it is really called magnanimous.
            Every time I saw the old people around devout do every day a week, every day to read the Koran, my heart will feel has some different feeling, every time I talk to my grandma my inner things or initiate something unfortunated, grandma will be center of say "Allah has made good, so don't blame anyone." If after I just listen to the mood will be flat before, now I thought more, I think this is what I believe give me the way to learn to tolerance, this kind of comfort, let me put down my weapon. I think a lot of the film is worth us to taste again and again, because for the first time really is unable to realize the essence of the film, although I can't say that I realized the essence of the film, but I think my mind sublimation, I saw something more fuzzy. Feeling letting a person is the film with many religious ideas influenced, let people put the inner hatred, in the end, when Jesus was execution, people there, and say "keep mercy corps" really let a person see a kind of power, violence will not solve all problems, thought of conquest is really strong. But here I also want to say is some cult, they did not influence people's hearts, it is more like a control. Beliefs bring us should be a tolerant heart rather than an angry heart.