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導演: 亞歷山大潘恩
編劇: 亞歷山大潘恩
演員: 保羅賈麥提 湯馬斯海登喬許 薇吉妮亞麥德森 吳珊卓


2014-07-22 01:00:58


-我想起其中的明星就是那瓶1961年的白馬莊園(I guess the star would a 1961 Cheval Blanc)
-你有一瓶61年的白馬莊園,卻放在那裡不動?(You've got a '61 Cheval Blanc and it's just sitting there?)
-Yes I do.
-Go get it.I'm serious!Hurry!61年的酒現在正是最好的時候是吧?我從書上看到的(The '61s are peaking right now aren't they? Taht's what I've read.)
-That's right,yeah.
-It might be too late already.What are you waiting for?
-Oh I don't know.A special occasion with the right person.It was supposed to be for my 10th wedding anniversary but……
-You know the day you open a '61 Cheval Blanc...that's the special occasion.(當你打開61年的白馬莊園的時候,那就是那個特別的時候。)

-不知道你為什麼對葡萄酒著迷?(why are you into wine?)
-i think i originally got into wine through my ex-husband.you know he had a big sort of show-off cellar(他有一個很大的值得炫耀的酒窖),but then i discoverd that i had a really sharp palate(然後我發現我的味覺非常敏銳),and the more i drank,the more i like what it made me think about.
-like what?
-like what a fraud he was.(比方說我意識到他是一個騙子。)……i mean i like to think about the life of wine.how it's a living thing.i like to think about what was going on the year the grapes were growing...how the sun was shining...if it rained. i like to think about all the people who tended and picked the grapes...and if it's an old wine how many of them must be dead by now. i like how wines continues to evolve,like if li opened a bottle of wine today...it would taste different than if i'd opened it on any other day. because a bottle of wine is actually alive and it's constantly evolving and gaining complexity. that is until it peaks...like your '61. and then it begins its steady,inevitable decline. and it tastes so fucking good.(我喜歡去思考酒的生命,它是一種怎樣有生命的東西,我喜歡思考在葡萄成熟的一年裡會發生什麼…在下雨的時候太陽是怎樣照耀的。我喜歡思考那些照顧和採摘葡萄的人們……如果是陳年老酒的話,有多數人現在已經不在人世了。我喜歡葡萄酒在不停地進化,好比我今天打開一瓶酒的話…它的味道會不同於我在其他任何時候打開它。因為一瓶酒其實是有生命的…而且它不停地進化、不停地得到新的元素,就這樣直到它的頂峰…就像你的那瓶61年的酒,然後它就開始了平穩的、不可避免的衰退…最後它的口味變得真他媽的好。)