浩劫奇蹟--The Impossible


7.5 / 248,813人    114分鐘

導演: 胡恩安東尼奧巴亞納
演員: 伊旺麥奎格 娜歐蜜華茲 瑪塔圖拉 湯姆‧荷蘭


2014-07-27 16:10:13

imposible is possible


Always try to write film comments, it is though difficult to get started. Surprisingly the first comment is for "Lo impossible", I never imagined that would be this one.
The performance of Naomi Watts was fabulous, perfectly presented what should be done by a mature mother and wife.
when her husband was facing career crisis, she, who was a physician, would love to go back to work to share to responsibility of feeding family.
The wounded bloody body had made the boy feel sick but she insisted to keep walking with his son for survive; even in such circumstance, the mother still ordered her son to help the crying boy as the last request. That is a mother teaching her son how to be a man. Tough and strong behaviours may affect the boy all his life.

The picture of desperate father was crying on he phone made the mother stronger from the opposite perspective.

Naomi was fantastic in the film again, I would search other films she played.

They still did not forget to show the American advantage, the private jet and advance medical support, hohohoho.

Last turbulence in the plane made the family scary again, not only show they were still in the horror but also told us there was risk and danger all the time.

It is a very good movie for a family with children, especially for those children have brothers and sisters.

This is my first try, hopefully I can keep going and growing.   舉報
