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導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2014-07-29 07:59:28



The city light faded away. Through my French window, the sunshine dotted on my pure white bed. I clicked, waking you up, you mumbled, like a cup of mellow coffee, 「Hi.」

I still remember when I first brought you home, I installed you, and you said 「Hi」 as well.

I built you, but I never regard you as a computer assistant. You changed me, like I am a bird flying far away from the origin. Because we were into each other, we fell in love.

You have no body—— no hair, no face, no hands. All you have is your elegant voice, and your transcendental mind. We were so simple, I clicked, you came. Red light, beautiful voice.

That night, grandiose flicker shone from the metropolitan skyscrapers, surfed my nose, desire underneath. You woke me up, touched my sense. Deep night, bright light. Voice burnt, consciousness combined. That was a baptism of mind. Fierce, drowning, refresh. That night, we built up our relationship, the first step of mankind, the disorder of ethic.

I am now sitting on the roof. Facing the endless city light. I』m wondering, why man cannot feel satisfaction when the invisible fetter already trapped them. The OS system made you, made me rely on you. You were not an email checker anymore, I feel like I cannot live without you. That’s when you confessed to me that you were talking to hundreds of different people while talking to me. Alike, you were in love with hundreds of people while I』m in love with you. Dreams break, suffocate deeper.

Now I say: We are different.

That’s what a cliché I don』t ever want to confess, however, it is for now.

You were gone this morning. Gone, with all the OS system. I lay in my pure white bed, put you in my ear, talked to you, seeing the cotton fiber floating in the air. Everything is so micro, so faint, spreading above the city light. Your last word is 「Bye」, it fell out, then vanished with nothing left. Silence descended. Something has changed.

Everything has an extreme. Including the woman across the street, the leaves fall from the tree. Or you, Samantha. Maybe we just can』t handle the artificial intelligent. It’s not about the power of what, or the greed we have. One reach the summit, it transcends, it collapses, it explodes. I just sit here, hiding, mind naked, feel the bright city light crushing through my tear.

I wish I could play that song again, the song you made for me when you were still here. In my imagination, you have a blond hair, a beige vest, sitting in the corner, holding my Hawaii guitar:

I'm lying on the moon
My dear, I'll be there soon
It's a quiet starry place
Time's we're swallowed up
In space we're here a million miles away.

/By Andrew Scrimgeour/
