為瑪格利特朗讀--My Afternoons with Margueritte


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導演: 尚貝克
編劇: 尚貝克
演員: 傑哈德巴狄厄 Gisele Casadesus Maurane Patrick Bouchitey Jean-Francois Stevenin

2014-08-04 05:06:42

優雅 安靜 從容

It's not a typical love affair But "love" and "tenderness"Both are there這不是典型的愛情故事,但是每個地方都有愛和溫情
Named after daisy , She lived amidst words,她以花為名,一生都在文字中徜徉,
surrounded by adjectives,In green fileds of verds形容詞環繞於周,動詞像野草一般瘋長,
some force you to yield有些令您不快,
But she with soft art Passed through my hard shield 但她卻溫柔地植入了我這塊硬邦邦的土地
And into my heart 和我的心。
Not always are love stories just made of love愛情故事裡,從來不僅僅有愛情的存在,
Love is not named But it's love just the same....是一種很簡單的「我愛你」,沒錯,我們相愛
It's not a typical love affair這不是典型的愛情故事,
I met her on a bench in my local square我在公園長椅上與她偶遇,
She made a little stir tiny like a bird With her gentle feathers她佔地面積很小,也就一直披著羽毛的鴿子那麼大,
She was surrounded by words Some as common as myself她被文字所包圍,像我一樣平凡,
She gave me books ,two or three她給了我一本書又一本書,
Their pages have come alive for me那麼文字在我眼前鮮活起來,
Don't die now ,You've still time ,just wait別那麼快合眼,還不到時候,再等等,
It's not the hour ,my little flower還不是時候,
Give me some more of you ,More of the life in you小花兒,讓我更好地了解,
Not always are love stories just made of love Sometimes, Love is not named But it's love just the same這不是典型的愛情故事,但是每個地方都有愛和溫情在,沒錯,我們彼此深愛著對方

法國的電影同樣帶有法蘭西民族的個性,處處流露著浪漫的氣息和人文的思考,並永遠顯出對美好生活的追求。看到片尾的小詩,隨著公路鏡頭拉長,竟感動的眼眶濕潤。生命裡的美麗邂逅,瑪格麗特帶給熱爾曼全新的世界。粉色的瑪格麗特,書裡的瑪格麗特 她的談吐、動作、溫暖深深吸引著我。我想成為瑪格麗特一樣的老太太。優雅、安靜、從容。