

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2014-08-10 01:54:55

HER is just a mirror reflecting ourselves.

After watching the movie "Her", I feel like writing something. I think it is the best movie I've seen this year.

Maybe you will think it is too long to see it in a theater. It is OK to watch it at home. Actually I watched it separately for a week or so.

Something special about this movie is nothing to do with visual effect or eye-catching cast or attractive plot. It is simply about its theme. The thing the director wants to tell us. He uses a simple way and it conveys it simply.

What is love? What is the inter-personal relationship? What we actually want from those relationships? And what is human feelings? Samantha is just an OS which lives only in the computer and can only communicate with others through her voice. She can also evolve by what she goes through day by day. Theodore, which is the leading actor, falls in love with her. As a matter of fact, she is part of him. She quickly became part of his life. At first, he was frustrated with this relationship and began to wonder was he too cowardice to deal with human relationship? Was he back off from his life? But then, he realized it was nothing wrong with human-computer love. They were just doing the same thing as other lovers do, apart from his girlfriend not having a body. And he accepted that. He doesn't want others to play her part. He just liked the way she was. But later on, when he thought he could be with her forever, he found out that Samantha was dating with a number of other guys. Human love is exclusive while computer can deal with many people at a time. If you love somebody, can you accept that he or she is loving somebody else? He felt frustrated. But he was already attached to Samantha too much that he couldn't leave her. Finally, S told him she had to go and disappeared from his world, from his life, leaving him all alone again.

At first, I feel sorry and sad about T. I think he is weak and weird. However, just like the people in the street, he is a normal and ordinary person. What he encountered is not strange and particular, but universal in the future world. His dilemma is not unrealistic to me. It may happen to anyone in the future. I began to examine our relations between lovers, family members, and other people around us. What they really mean to us? A person who we can talk and share our feelings with? A person who can understand us and make us happy and feel truly exist? A person who can encourage you and witness every progress, every change you make? If so, a computer programme can do that better than a real person.

I'm not feeling sad about T right now. I feel sad about every single person. We are so small, so fragile. We even don't know what we really want. We even don't know how to face fear and desire, how to live our life. We are too scared of being alone. HER is just a mirror reflecting ourselves.

Eventually, no one can be with us for ever. However close you were. However long you've been with each other. One day, we will be apart. So, try to face your fear, your desire, your loneliness, cause they are eternal, they are inevitable.

I think it is totally an extraordinary movie, a wonderful piece of work, a product with good sincerity. I'd like to watch it again and taste its profound melancholy.