

7.9 / 1,291,105人    194分鐘

導演: 詹姆斯卡麥隆
編劇: 詹姆斯卡麥隆
演員: 李奧納多狄卡皮歐 凱特溫絲蕾 比利贊恩 凱西貝茲 比爾派斯頓


2014-08-11 00:37:10

what to say when you are not around.

i just saw someone said he would see this film when he wanted to cry. it's just the same as me.for tens of time. i have never seen another movie for this many times.
i tried to find something new,but it always bring me back to titanic, maybe i will add the notebook at most.
you know all the scenes and the over repeated line you jump i jump, but you can just cry like you always do when you hear the familiar melody, the sad humming.
jack didnot drop a single word when he was going to die, rose neither when she gave the heart of the sea to the ocean or to her dreams every night when she was missing the guy only existed in her memory.
he was nobody,she was the best thing ever happened in his life.
they missed the opportunity to be survived both just because they couldn't be apparted.they need to stay together until one made the other promised to never give up.
in fact,i think if the they both live no one would care about their story and they may fight through their whole life if they get married.and carl was not such a jackass all he did came from the way he cultivated.nobody was wrong,just we all have our own preference.no one is wrong.
the legend is always up in the air to be untouchable.
such kind of thing is too rare to appear in real life,just llike we are addicted to cinderella when we are little.
we all say what if we have such kind of chance to experience that, what if we get the chance to break free to make us against the world, then the world is just two of us cause we only need each other.
well, i thought about it, the reality proved i am too stupid to think in that way.
now, i will say to myself, come on, even the french won't do that.
you trust me.someone said it to me some time ago for the answer of my question why you like me.
what is love?something plain and ordinary, or has it to be poetic and
able to praise at?
not a single clue.
all i know is i want to have a cute baby with the person i love, and he can love me back.
to be with even the next life.
i can't wrote things like the lyrics, only i believe in love.

i will wait until i find you.and sure you call my name when you find me.