點燃生命之海--The Sea Inside


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導演: 亞歷山卓亞曼納巴
編劇: 亞歷山卓亞曼納巴
演員: 哈維爾巴登 貝琳洛達 蘿拉杜納斯 克萊拉西庫拉


2014-08-22 19:11:50



Over thousands of years, the cemetery understands the dead better than people who are still living. In the endless and sleepless night,those corpses without a soul buried beneath the heavy tombstones, interred beneath the wet, dark and cheerless soil, giving ear to the sibilant sound of whispering from the great, dead souls.
In 1961, Ernest Hemingway bore out his own gloomy destiny. He found a shotgun on the ground and cocked it, put it to his brain and popped it, leaving the scream 「For Whom the Bell Tolls」.
It is not a unique instance, but has its counterpart.
In the World War II, the Austrian novelist Stefan Zweig and his wife both decided to commit suicide by taking excess tranquilizers and died in Brazil, 「out of purely voluntary and reasonable thoughts」. Also, the Japanese short story writer Yasunari Kawabata is the only person who witnessed another renowned Japanese author Yukio Mishima’s ritual suicide. Afterwards Yasunari Kawabata also apparently committed suicide in 1972 by gassing himself, without leaving any note.
Vincent van Gogh was down and out for his whole life, then he died in the evening, 29 hours after he supposedly shot himself, 「The sadness will last forever」.
Robert Schumann, one of the greatest German composers of the Romantic era, once jumped into Rhine River to commit suicide but failed, then he suffered from severe mental disorder, finally died in a mental hospital.
Besides, really the most famous poets in Russia almost finished their life by suicide, like Vladimir Mayakovsky,Marina Tsvetaeva, Sergei Yesenin, Alexander Blok.
When it comes to The Myth of Sisyphus, one of Albert Camus’s philosophical essay, the first sentences is that
Suicide: the one truly serious philosophical problem.
Everyone is cast into being to experience all kind of difficulties. Some of them find their way to fathom the fragrance and fruitful harvest in their life, but others only find the everlasting pain. The latter, thinks the god deprive themselves of their right to live, but no one has capacity to deprive their own choice of ending up their life. How they are to live in this world is little more than limitless torment.
Once a charming piano concerto called Gloomy Sunday appealed highly controversial dispute because the song accompanied many people until the end of their life. However, in fact, this was just a wonderful and contagious music, what the dying man listened to was the breath of death, but people who were obsessed in love can feel the great love of this music. To be honest, very often, those people who wanted to die just need a reason, even if the reason is not worth mentioning, but it can support them to fulfill the attempt that others may can not believe.
In the movie of The Sea Inside, the story centers around the main character Ramón Sampedro, who fights for his right of death for his whole life, almost 26 years. Ramón Sampedro, who was an adept mechanic in ship, suffered from an accident, which severely injured his neck, causing him paraplegia of the upper limbs. He almost can not move, lying in the bed all the time, only his head has the ability to move slightly. He refused to condemn himself to the wheelchair. In his opinion, accepting the wheelchair like the birds taking crumbs from strangers, taking charity but lose dignity.
Ramón would always recall that special day, the day that changed his fate, is always lingering about, at some deep level of his psyche. In his illusory dream, he was standing on the beach, the sand burrowed deep into the narrow space of his toes, the sea slept soundly in peace, but filled with danger. His hair swayed gently in the crisp breeze, the smooth surface of the rock reflected his shadow. He touched his neck, turned around, the scene of the beautiful and sexy ladies in the remote distance jumped into his eyes. Then he felt that his body was floating in mid air, he realized that the tide was out, the shallow water forced him to break his neck. It is a passing moment of life and death, the sea gives him life, but mercilessly take away again.
Death, is just a part of life, everyone will arrive to this part eventually. When others asked Ramón why he wanted to die, Ramón often answered in brief that his life was worthless. Although his answer may offend people who were also quadriplegic, in the same situation like Ramón, but he did not mean to bring others to trail, he just explained his own life. He can not understand for long time that death is the inevitable result of everyone’s destiny, why they became so picnic when he mentioned the word of 「death」, like an infectious disease. As for death, he never doubted it.
In the morning, if it was windy, the window was open, Ramón was able to smell the feeling of sea. Sometimes a few birds frolicked at the corner of the window, but most of the time, the scene was silent and peaceful. The meaning of family stood out, his family member tried its best to take care of him, but Ramón really thought that this kind of life had no meaning.
He even can not touch the elegant female lawyer called 茱莉亞. The distance which was regarded to be neglected, but to him, it was still a task he never achieved it. Whoever can notice that he had a crush on the female lawyer, her appearing made the time slow down in this blue and dreary house. But the problem was not about love or not, but was that Ramón rejected to love.
That night, when he felt that 茱莉亞 fainted behind himself, but he had nothing to do except cried out the name of his sister-in-law despairingly, again and again. He never let him be in panic like that, even facing death. But he was afraid of living hopelessly like that way, putting his whole life in such a hell, without movement anymore.
Death, maybe is the only highlight of his life. Actually, not only Ramón Sampedro, someone, even able-bodied people are pursuing death. Because what destroys their idea of survival is not the deformed part of their body, but is the desperation in spirit.