非常警探--A Hard Day

走到尽头/ 黑仔型警(港) / 非常警探(台) / 黑仔刑警 / 走到底 / A Hard Day

7.2 / 16,774人    111分鐘

導演: 金成勳
編劇: 金成勳
演員: 李善均 趙鎮雄 鄭滿植 申正根


2014-09-07 05:56:49

What the director wishes to furnish is too much

  First of all , although the film is not perfect and has more or less flaws , the director, Seong-hoon Kim , deserves highly applause for his debut-film . I'll analyse the film from several aspects concisely .
  Narration : the film tends to mainly focus on the latter part, the conflict between Seon-gyun Lee and Jin-ung Jo , however the former part takes a little more time , almost 50 minutes , thus the pat of climax seems too hurry and superficial .
  Director : the director spends too much time depicting irrelevant plot. Is it really indispensable to narrate the Seon-gyun Lee's conspiracy to kill in-ung Jo ? From my standpoint, although this can be considered as the climax, one scene is enough because affluent time can be devoted to film this part more compellingly . The most irremediable problem is what the director wants to furnish is too much , complex narrative , bureaucratic corruption, self-redemption , brotherhood , however he dose not accomplish any of these parts satisfactorily because any of those is too superficial , which is exemplified by one of the director's intent, complex narrative . The former part- Seon-gyun Lee disposes the corpse after the car accident and a mysterious person shows up to intimidate him , although it runs a little long , as mentioned above , it turns out to be the most riveting part of the film . After the film advances to the latter part, the development of plot seems to loss of control . The suspense consolidated by former narration is revealed too early , which leads to the loss of complex narrative's value and there is no mystery any more. I figure out the following development immediately after Jin-ung Jo acquires the dead body and I lose my interest in this movie .

Bugs: the film possesses many illogical aspects . Why does in-ung Jo have to debunk his identity as a policeman ? The explanation that in-ung Jo does not know where the body is quite unconvincing . A man with a mask can still menace Seon-gyun Lee . Why in-ung Jo does not find the corpse with Seon-gyun Lee together ? Does'n he realize that even an idiot knows something valuable must be hidden on his body ? In the final scene , why does in-ung Jo have to grab the gun to kill Seon-gyun Lee , obviously he can beat him to death ?
 In a word, what the director wishes to furnish is too much and the result is every part he wants to say is unsatisfying
