放牛班的春天--The Choir


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導演: 克里斯巴哈蒂
編劇: 克里斯巴哈蒂
演員: 法藍柯波蘭德 尚巴堤莫里耶

feuiles mortes

2014-09-07 09:17:52

Bonheurs enfantins

   Clément Mathieu a music teacher lead a path to heaven for the kids even abonded by society .
  " Education is the movement from darkness to light.
    Fond de l' Etang(Bottom of the etange), a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys who is supervised through iron fits lived in the dark of life.
   Music that has always fascinated us in the way that it communicates without words or pictures is adopted by Mathieu as the torch to light the hope of life .
    the haunting vexation education for alleged troubler boys bothers our society .rebellious ,aggressive ,impetuous ,ego those were incubated under the distressful circumstance of solitude and misunderstanding
   Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing.to some extend, it's wally to explain why music is the finest method to open the heart closed due to the hypocritical world .
   Les Choristes as the theme song of the film perfectly finished the annotation delivering the ideal to the boys to awaken their passion for life which should be
   Sens au coeur de la nuit( at the direction of dark )
  L'onde d'espoir (light of hope )
    Ardeur de la vie (the ardour of life)
 the process to reclaim boys from vice dramatically depicted by the three lines of lyric
   at the last shot, a great many of folders or paper foldings flying out from the windown to express the missing and blessing for the departure of Mathieu ,at that moment ,wet the eyes of Mathieu besides everybody ,especially everyone who being egaged in cause of education or being going to .
  that's right ,it's very simple ,there is no kids should be to blamed for uncultivated ending .   舉報